The Walking Dead

So I’m at my in-laws house sitting and I’m pretty bored at the moment. I made arts and crafts stuff yesterday and Paul made an awesome dinner. He’s napping with Toby so I was trying to figure out something to post about and I figured I would talk about this weeks episode.

So, The Governor is back. What a dick. I’m sure how I feel about him at this point. In my mind he’s always going to be an asshole, now it’s just a matter of how big an asshole is he. At first when his two monkeys left him there my first thought was, “Haha. You deserve that. It should have happened a lot sooner than that.” Then part of my humane side, only a small part, felt a little bit bad for him when he was wondering around all by himself. But guess what, you wanna treat people like shit and push everyone away, or in his case kill everyone, then you deserve to be alone. Then he showed up at that family’s building I was scared for them. I understand that it’s the apocalypse and you have to do some things you never would have done before, but he did some seriously fucked up shit. When he was talking to them part of me was waiting for the moment when he went all crazy on everyone. I get why he got attached to the little girl, what with his daughter dying and everything. Now I’m wondering is he going to get more attached or obsessed? Like he going to do everything in his power to keep her safe, up to and including killing her mother and aunt? I just don’t know. I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him but there is just something there that made me not hate him quite as much as before. I still don’t like him though. I’m willing to give him a chance and try to redeem himself, but I will never trust him completely. That look he got on his face at the end of the episode was “Oh, shit”. I bet part of him is thinking that these new women his with are going to find out the truth about him. That could be disastrous for everyone around him. It would threaten his new relationship with this child even. I imagine that there are a million things running through the governors head at this point and most of them are not good. I do believe that it’s possible for him to go to Rick and the group for help. Maybe he’ll find a heart somewhere inside himself and do a selfless act such as placing the women with Rick, even if he himself wasn’t welcome. The governor is bad ass when it comes to killing walkers, but Rick has a strong group of people that could help keep the women safe. I’m also wondering like is he going to try and play nice and then just completely lose it one day? I’m not sure if he is capable of having real emotions or caring for anyone. I believe that when he had a family and everything that he was a good guy. Big events, such as the apocalypse, can really change a person. In many cases it seems that whatever these people were beforehand doesn’t matter at all in this new world. Hershel’s previous life is an asset to the group now. Rick’s former life comes into play as well. Daryl‘s hunting comes in handy. But for most of these people, who they were is completely gone at this point. I imagine that he would be very hard to try and maintain humanity and any kind of morals. How do you set new standards for what is right and wrong? I know for me that killing walkers in the beginning would have been very hard because to an extent you’re still seeing these people as human beings. But I imagine that after a while it would just become same shit different day and I would kill them without thinking twice about it. You gotta figure that there probably won’t ever be a cure, there probably isn’t even anyone left to find a cure. Then you have to think that even if there is a cure one day that it will to be late for most people who would be too decayed and disgusting to cure. I’m not entirely sure how I would feel during all that they’re going through since I’m not in that position, but I know it would be hard physically, mentally, and emotionally. I sort of got off topic a little bit but that’s ok.

I also think that the group is going to have to leave the prison very soon. It seems like things were getting a little too comfortable there for a while. But between the sickness that killed a fair share of people and the walkers that got through the fence, that place isn’t a safe as it was when they first arrived. I’m not sure where they would go next but I think another prison might not be a bad idea. They could try Alcatraz as I don’t think walkers can swim, but that probably isn’t that realistic. However, there are other prisons around that would probably suffice. They seem to only really have big problems when more walkers realize where they are.

I’m waiting for Carol to show up too. Maybe she runs into the governor and they hatch some kind of plan together. All I know, is she’s not done. She’ll be back. Not sure when, where, or how but it’s going to happen. Maybe Daryl goes and tries to find her, who by the way is looking sexy as ever with that crossbow. If he died I would throw my remote through the tv and never watch The Walking Dead again. Ok, that might be a little extreme, but I would definitely be pissed. I already lost Andrea, I can’t lose him too. So, you writers better not disappoint me. I won’t be happy if you kill him and I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one crying about it. (Don’t judge me)

Anyways, I’m going to go find a book or something to read, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll write something later, or tomorrow. Goodbye.